Does Posture Matter While You Drive?


Does Posture Matter When Driving?

While most drivers like to be relaxed when driving, doing so with incorrect posture can result in more serious injuries when in an accident. Although not all cars provide the same options for drivers, you will be safer on the road if you adjust your posture according to the following tips.

1. Completely Support Your Back

Support your back with the seat from your tailbone all the way up to your neck. If your seat is not fully adjustable with lumbar support, you can add a rolled-up towel behind you for better support. Lumbar support pads and devices are available on Being completely supported will lower injuries to your back if involved in an accident.

2. Get Some Distance Behind the Steering Wheel

Sitting too close to the steering wheel raises the possibility of greater injury to your chest, head and neck, when involved in a head-on or rear-end collision.

3. Lean Back Some

Your seat should be angled slightly backward – a little more than 90 degrees. At about 100 degrees, you will have the least amount of pressure on your back. If sitting too far back, it causes your neck to move forward which can lead to neck and shoulder pain.

4. Sit High Enough for Good Vision

As you drive, your eyes should be at least three inches higher than the steering wheel. This enables you to have a clearer field of vision.

5. Set Your Mirrors

Before you drive, adjust your mirrors so that they let you see traffic behind you without having to move your head. This enables you to see what is happening around you with less neck strain.

If you live in the Murray, UT area, we would like to help you maintain your car for every season. For more information, call J & G Transmissions today at (801) 262-2321 or visit our website